Date: March 23, 2020
Our Corona Commitment
Let ’s face it. We are in uncharted waters with the Corona virus outbreak and its ramifications. For many, we are facing concerns about our clients, our businesses, and our families we’ve never had to consider before. That is true of ShareVista as it is with you.
As a valued client of ShareVista, we want to assure you that we are modifying our work strategies to insure we can provide the premium level of service we have always maintained. Like you, we are accommodating the requirements necessary to mitigate the virus, but doing so in a way to insure we are available to support you as needed, as the health of your business is equally important to us. To that end, please know the following:
1. Remote Availability
The ShareVista help desk system is fully functional and manned.
Although we are working more remotely, our help desk system is monitored in real time and we will respond in real time. Please send any requests you have for support to:
A ticket will be created and we will respond as requested since our ability to receive and connect to you is not dependent on our location. Additionally, our phone system is cloud-based and fully mobile such that we can function as from any location with equal efficiency.
Additionally, you may call our SLA help desk line at any time to get a person: 225-448-3110. We have this manned during business hours and if in the unusual circumstance the staff doesn’t get to it or it is after hours, record a voice mail here and it will be sent via email to all consultants. Please call if needed.
2. Onsite Availability
We recognize there may be technical problems which cannot be resolved remotely. Some issues simply require a person onsite to rectify.
Our promise is simple: If you need us onsite, we will be there.
We exist to support your business. If that requires making it onsite, even in the midst of the crisis, we will get there, barring legal obstacles. Simply email the above email or call our SLA number and we will schedule it onsite as requested.
We thank you for your trust in ShareVista and we don’t take it lightly. We want to assure you that your systems and functions will be supported, no matter where they are occurring as we face this crisis together.
At stake for us is both your efficiency and our integrity. We look forward to getting through this crisis together and helping you achieve utmost success in the future.
Thanks again,
Skip Sharrer
President, ShareVista
18212 E Petroleum Drive Ste 2A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Phone: 225.753.7878 Fax: 225.751.1902 Website: